Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well yes Amsterdam was how I pictured it, probably any 20 year old guys fantacy if you know what I mean. The red light district is mainly what im talking about there are beautiful young prostitues lining all the windows of the streets, prostitution is completly leagal there. Amsterdam is all about bringing in money so anything that will generate money is okay. Which brings me to the part about how when someone thinks of Amsterdam they think pot, well its not actually legal, the police just pretend its not happening because it is the citys biggest source of income. All the cafes that sell pot are called "coffee shops" to disguise them from the police. The town itself is very cute, it has canals going all thoughout very similar to Venice. Something funny about the city is all the buildings are tilted forward, or crooked becasue they were built on mud and the city does not want to spend the money to fix it so they leave it. Just like any small european city bikes are the main form of transportation it is very easy to get hit my them because they drive fast and expect you to move out of their way. I dident get hit by one but a few people I know did! While there I visited the Ann Frank House, very sad it gave me the chills especially when I was in the part where Ann's family would hide out. I'm really glad I saw it, this along with everything I saw in the other citys about the Holocaust really makes me appreciate EVERYTHING about my life.

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