Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just another day in Italy

Today is only one of the best days of the year....WOMENS DAY! Yes can you believe it they actually have a day dedicated to women! So at many of the resturants they give the women flowers and discounts on their meals and whatever else they feel like doing. America should really get with it! Today was also the last day of Carnivale (its like pretty much the italian version of halloween except it lasts an entire month and they have carnivales in each city with huge floats and lots of convetti) I went to the one in Viareggio it was pretty cool, the floats were surprisingly really political they even had one making fun of the U.S. So anyway there were alot of people out today dressed up so it was a fun day. I dident dress up though...woops. I did have wine tasting/class tonight on chianti. Tasted a few wines and actually learned some new things about wine flavors that I dident know before. The tasting was undergound in this resturant pretty cool! I'm excited to do more, like in two weeks for my 21st birthday!! Okay well I really got to get back to studying I have two mid terms this week then I am off to Prauge, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin. P.S. I will post my Rome trip up soon. Ciao

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