Sunday, March 20, 2011

When in Rome

Updating you about Rome a little late, but a little late is better than never right? Rome was a busy quick trip. Much bigger city than Florence, its more city like but still has some cobble stone steets. We saw all the main attrictions; the Spanish Steps, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Vatican City, and the Colosseum. We had a tour of Vatican City which went by really fast considering it took a little over 3 hours to get through the entiere city. It is such an amazing beyond words on how beautiful it is and the talent that went into all the artwork. It was just as a I remembered and better. This time the colosseum was open so we were able to go inside and see what it looked like. Our last night we ate dinner like at this really good resturant called Le Lanterne I highly reccomend it if you ever go to Rome. We searched for nearly a 45 mins trying to find a place to eat that looked authentic and was not bothering us to come in. I had the gnocchi, and others had ravioli, and carbanara everything was made perfect! We each had dessert I had an apple crisp type thing served with gelato sooo good, and the other girls all had delicious desserts as well. To top it off after we were done the waiter brough us each a free glass of wine. We ended up staying for over 2 hours just relaxing and loving Italy. Best way to end our stay in Rome. (address to resturant via della pilotta, 21a 00187 Roma, phone number 0669924458)

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