Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prague, Czech Republic

The first stop of my spring break was Prague. Befor going to Prague I knew nothing about it and had no idea what it was like. I will just tell the highlights of each of the countries I visited. During our tour I learned a lot about the city, but what really cought my attention was the Holocaust, and my appriciation for it grew in each of the cities. In Prague I visited the Jewish muesuem which displayed drawings done by Jewish children while they were at the concentration camps. Also at the muesuem is a memorial and you can see where the Jewish people were burried, they are burried in rows with 16 people stacked on top of each other and the ground it littered with tomb stones it was all heart breaking but really moving. It really makes me thankful for the life I have. On a happier note we had a traditional czech meal which was very different, not like anything I have had befor. The meal started off with a dark heavy beer and a hardy soup, next we had beef ( I think it was corn beef) it was in this orange flavored gravy and was served with an interesting bread, toped with an orange with whip cream...great for my figure I know! haha. For dessernt I had apple cobbler Yum. When I was not eating interesting food, or looking at the Jewish museum I just explored the city and went site seeing. Oh yes I also visited the John Lennon wall and sighned it. The wall was created during the communist rule, people would thoght of Lennon as their hero and would write his liyrics on the wall to express lack of freedom.... OFF TO BERLIN, CIAO

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