Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So its 4am here and I am wide wake great huh?...the past few days it has been 5am then falling asleep at 7 and having to wake up at 8am, so so far the sleeping thing is not working out too well. But its not just me I will look over and my room made will be there wide awake as well so we have our daily early morning chat. Anyway yesterday which was Tuesday I went to the farmers market it was so cool they have tons of fresh fruit which I stocked up on for our apartment. All the old Italian men were laughing at us and elling jokes because they knew we had no idea what we were doing haha. My favorite part was the prosciutto part, too bad the man was not Italian but owell. The man gave me samples of different prosciuttos, they were really good so of course I bought some and on the way home stoped at a bakery and go some focaccia for later and a slice of pizza focaccia for then which was AMAZING. Here are some pictures from the market the ones where the meat is hanging is the inside part of the market I'm sure I'll be coming here often. It was really cool I think we were the only Americans in there and no one spoke english it was awesome.


  1. Fun!!!! the focaccia pizza looks delicious! I'm sure by next week you'll all have sleeping through the night down. I'm sure you are all still wound up too from actually being there! Cute pic of you in from of the deli/ market! xoxo!

  2. So excited for you. What an amazing experience. The deli case looks divine. Love that you are instantly immersed in the culture and getting by. By the time you get home, you'll be an italian speaker. Soak it up Krista ~! Thinking of you. Thanks for posting. I get to live vicariously. xoxo

  3. So jealous of all the great food you are going to be eating!! Have a blast.
