Monday, February 21, 2011

8 course meal

Last week we had our group meal at this restaurant called Il Latini it was sooo good. We started off with our own plate of prosciutto, then came a caprese salad and crostini with patate (course 1) Next came our pastas; pene bolonese seriously looked just like the one my grandma makes except with meat in it, ravioli, bibollita (italian bread soup sooo good), and a bean soup. (course 2), still not even close to done! Next came potatoes and beans (course 3) now finally for the main course we had a huge platter of meat with veal, prime rib, chicken and pork. (course 5) All the girls I was sitting with didnt know it was veal and they ate it and were saying how good it was....and I said something about veal and they all said "ehh no I dont eat veal" then I asked the waiter and he told us it was veal. hahaha I thought it was pretty funny. Anyway now for the dessert they first brought us an assortment of 5 different treats including tortas cream puffs, cake.(course 6) Next we had biscotti served with sweet liqueur that you dip the biscotti in, can't remember the name of it though. (course 7) Lastly they brought a sweet dessert white wine kinda like port but it was white wine(course 8) by far the most food I have ever eaten in one sitting!! Best meal in Italy so far and most people say it will be the best meal I will have in Italy. Here are some photos I took...kinda forgot in the beginning sorry! Hope you like!


  1. I'm just loving your blog. Let's me live vicariously through you. You're adventures so far have been amazing. How long did you sit at your group meal. All evening? The food looks amazing. How is the shopping? Are the styles very different? Keeping everyone at La Vera apprised of your journey. Ciao !!

  2. Thank You I'm glad you like it! We were at the group meal for a little over two hours, the food was really really good best meal so far. We have had a some really good food but we have also been disappointed with food as well. It is hard because we are so spoiled at I did work at a very delicious restaurant :) Tell everyone hello for me!
