Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hi everyone glad your enjoying the blog! Yesterday we went to Pisa and Lucca. Lets just say Lucca really is the city of walls we got lost about 4 times there. It is a really nice place very pretty and much much clamer than Florence. When we got there it was freezing and me and my roommate were only wearing sweaters so we had to buy a jacket...lesson learned to bad its probably not going to be the only jacket I buy here, the shopping is crazy and its hard not to buy everything I see. Especially since now that im here I really dont like much of what I packed because the Florentine women always look so good! Anyway in Lucca we walked along the wall (the town is surrounded by a very tall wall) That was nice then we got off the wall and ended up getting stuck in the farmers market...there was seriously no way out we had to walk through the entire thing! oops! We managed to find one Church it was beautiful! I forgot the name sorry... A few hours after being lost in Lucca we made it to the Bus and went to Pisa. I'v already been but it was nice to refresh my memory and learn a little more about the town. Walking into Pisa and first seeing the tower it looks fake its so cool. The tower today leans 13 feet, it used to lean 27 feet but they had to fix it because it was gonig to fall over. Later that night me and my roommates all made dinner then went out to a lounge and the Red Garder which apprently has been there for years. Today I woke up and went for a run along the Arno River and on the way home walked along pontevecchio and looked at all the jewls. It felt so great and I finally got the feeling that yup I am living in Florence. We just got home from shopping..well we dident find anything just browsing to see what they have and we will go back again on our own a man told me I was beautiful and had beautiful friends..and it was his birthday so I would get a great deal on a leather jacket which it was but I dont want one. Anyway I feel like I keep blabbing Ill update soon. Im watching the Superbowl tonight at midnight! should be interesting.

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