Monday, April 11, 2011

Second Night with Parents

My parents had their first full day here in Florence in the morning I sent them to the Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens my favorite museum here in Florence, they loved it. It is so nice being having them here and being able to share all my favorite places with them. For dinner we went to this resturant I have been dieing to try called Monticello on Via Maffia, it very good of couse. We all had pizza, because the resturant is known for pizza. Their was also a live band during dinner and our Table was right in front so we had a perfect spot. The performers were two men one played the guitar, and the other sang beautiful Opera. Some of the songs were a little more up beat and toward the end of our meal a women, my mom's twin (she acted just like my mom) came up and pulled my Mom up to dance with her, then me it was a great night with my parents before our getaway in Sorrento.

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