Monday, April 4, 2011

My Birthday!

I was soo lucky to have my birthday here this year! My roommates were so nice I woke up to our hallway all decorated with sighs and banners, and a Birthday card with a toy pony for me! haha I had school allll day so that was not very fun but to celebrate me being 21 they took me to my favorite bar to get a cider. I had my dinner with all my florence friends at Quatro Leoni, a really good resturant. We pretty much went all out lots of wine and really good food. I had the Florentine Steak, its a huge steak that florence is famous for, the waiter looked at me like I was crazy after I ordered it. Everyone had to help me eat it because it was so big. The resturant surprised me with a cheese cake and candle and everyone sang to me, it really could not have been any better!

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